Major flooding threat coming together
Above is the radar-estimated storm total rainfall, since yesterday. The radar sometimes underestimates rain in tropical storms due to smaller raindrops, but it still shows a large area of 4-8″ of rain from Pickens County across Tuscaloosa and Walker Counties. Jasper as of 3:45 pm had received 7.78″, and here at Bluff Creek (the other dot, I guess I am at the center of the heaviest rainfall!) my bucket has gotten 8.10″ (+/- 10%, bucket was sitting a little crooked). This rain in west-central Alabama will likely cause a serious flood along rhe Black Warrior River. Here (on Bankhead Lake), the water has risen about 2 feet so far, and is rising about 2″ per hour.
Some of the heaviest rain now is over Jefferson County, where numerous roads are flooded. See Bill’s and James’ posts below on that.
Category: Alabama's Weather