JB’s Journal–Post Storm Chill
This will be much shorter than usual because there is much more important things going on. But, the weather today and tomorrow has to be what the “doctor ordered” to make it easier on vast cleanup and rescue efforts after a very historic tornado event.
42 Cullman Ag Station, Valley Head Water Board
43 Troy, Evergreen
44 Scottsboro Airport, Millport (SW Lamar County)
45 Coker, Anniston Airport, Muscle Shoals/TVA
46 Bessemer, Montgomery
47 Inverness, Russellville
48 Springville, Calera (Shelby County Airport) Tuscaloosa Airport
49 Birmingham, Huntsville, Muscle Shoals (Airports)
50 Auburn, Mobile Regional Airport
* I have a good friend that lives in Steele, about 10 miles SW of Gadsden. They discovered a sack in their yard with contents from Tuscaloosa. That is about 85 to 90 airmiles from Tuscaloosa. Other reports tell of three-foot pieces of sidings and paper items with Tuscaloosa addresses falling from the sky in the Oneonta area. Things like this happen every time after a violent long-track tornado.
* You can rest assured that a number of books will eventually be written about our current tornado disaster. Occasional books are still being written about the Super Outbreak of April, 1974.
* So sad to hear that there as been some looting going on in tornado ravaged areas. (Absolutely) (totally) (100%) unacceptable. Do some folks have zero conscience?
* Mississippi governor warning that the Mississippi River may crest at the highest level since 1937 as it flows southward separating Mississippi fdrom Louisiana and Arkansas. This is due to unheard of amounts of rain way upstream (places like Missouri) I feel sure some far north snowmelt will be in the mix also.
* My thanks to the many radio and TV stations doing tremendous post-tornado coverage. This is a lifeline, in a way, for victims to have the best on how to get much needed help. They also did great wall-to-wall coverage while the tornadoes was on the ground. I know the 33/40 weather team was on the air for hours on end without a break. Other stations were also. During that time, I was involved in several long stretches of that on the radio side.
* I am out of here. I still want to tell a lot of stories about things that happened in my thousand years (seems like) of weather work. Do not want to use that much space today.
Category: Alabama's Weather, Severe Weather