67 mph Wind Gust at Birmingham Airport
BIRMINGHAM MUNI,AL (BHM) ASOS reports gust of 58.0 knots from SW @ 0148Z KBHM 280148Z 22023G58KT 190V250 1 3/4SM R06/3500VP6000FT TSRA SCT021CB BKN070 OVC100 23/20 A2968 RMK AO2 PK WND 26058/0146 WSHFT 0133 VIS 1/2V5 TSB14RAB30 OCNL LTGICCC N-E TS N-E MOV NE P0003
A 67 mph wind gust was just measured at 8:48 p.m. at the Birmingham International Airport…
Category: Alabama's Weather, Severe Weather