Late Morning Update
A quick peek at some 12Z data.
Here is the 500 mb forecast, valid at 6:00 a.m. CST Wednesday:
Basically in good agreement with last night’s runs… this thing will be coming right over North-Central Alabama early Wednesday with core temps near -25 C.
Below is the RPM accumulated snow output for this event…
Like I mentioned this morning, NWP (numerical weather prediction) will struggle with this kind of setup, and cannot be trusted.
There is little skill in forecasting snow with this kind of cold core ULL event in Alabama. And, I am not into guessing, we like to make forecasts with a reasonable amount of skill. I will hold off until the afternoon discussion around 3:30 to make the first snow accumulation potential graphic. No doubt parts of North Alabama could see over 5 inches of wet snow with this feature, but it will most likely be a narrow band, with all rain just to the south. Stay tuned…
Category: Alabama's Weather