Coastal & Offshore Reports
You can tell from these reports that Earl is not as dangerous as a day or so ago. However, he can still cause a lot of problems:
…..Washington, DC…cloudy, wind NE 8
…..Norfolk, light rain, wind north gusts 25
…..Ocean City, Md., cloudy, wind north gusts 29
…..Cape Hatteras, N.C., steady, moderate rain, wind NW gusts 43
…..Philadelphia, cloudy, wind NE 9
…..Atlantic City, cloudy, wind north 13
…..Nantucket Buoy, wind ESE 6, six foot waves and 7 foot swells
…..Long Island Buoy, wind NE gusts 20, nine foot waves
…..Cape Henry, Va., wind NNW, gusts 42
…..Chesapeake Light, wind north 43, gusts 47
…..Buoy 64 NM east of Virginia Beach, 21 foot waves at 15 second intervals
…..Diamond Shoals, N.C., wind WNW gusts 47, with 14 foot waves
…..New York City, cloud, wind light and variable averaging 5 mph
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