High Noon Across Alabama–12:30 Report

| March 25, 2010 @ 12:24 pm | 1 Reply

Scattered showers early this afternoon over most sections of Alabama. Moderate to heavy showers about midway between Montgomery and Birmingham. However, most showers over the state light to moderate.

Little or no lightning but lots of lightning in a cluster of storms over the North Gulf of Mexico south of the Mobile-Gulf Shores area. Those storms are expected to remain off the coast.

More thunderstorms will develop along and ahead of a cold front as it crosses the Mighty Mississippi into SW Tennessee and North Mississippi.

The Storm prediction Center thinks that instability will increase enough to trigger a possible supercell thunderstorm and a remote chance of an isolated tornado eastward as far east as North Alabama.

A new discussion will be issued by the SPC around 3 pm CDT.

Meanwhile a “slight risk” is still on the table for about the north two-thirds of Alabama from about Montgomery northward.

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