Precipitation Update
Nearest precipitation to Alabama at 10 o’clock this morning was across Louisiana and Texas. The winter mosaic radar returns show snow across North Texas and Extreme North Louisiana. Heavy snow and some freezing rain reported over North Texas.
The precipitation moving almost due east.
Surface analysis based on 9 am reports show that the low is forming over NE Mexico.
Beaumont…40, light rain
Alexandria, La.,…36 light rain
Shreveport…33, light snow
Baton Rouge…38, light sleet
Three very ugly emails last few days asking why I was too scared or too conservative, or did not know how to forecast snow amounts. One suggested that I retire and named another person in our group as their choice to take over doing the afternoon 7-day Planner and E-Forecast.
ANSWER: I am not the least bit afraid to forecast snow amounts but it is almost impossible to do that several days before the snow even gets here. Been in this business since 1957 and involved in a number of misses. Also I want to work until after Andy Rooney retires or to age 90 whichever comes first.
Sorry to disappoint some
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