Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Notes From Elsewhere

| October 13, 2009 @ 8:40 pm | 3 Replies

October continues to act most unusual in many parts of the good ole USA. Check these notes from a number of locations:

* California getting hard-hit by a huge coastal storm moving inland into the central part of the state.

* In a telephone chat with our own Bill Murray a few minutes ago, he was approaching Sacramento after driving down from Red Bluff and he could hardly keep his car on the road due to howling winds.

* Red Bluff had winds to 53 mph with 1.52 inches of rain.

* Sacramento 2.78 inches of rain so far and San Francisco 2.84 inches. There were gusts to around 64 along the Central California Coast this afternoon.

* In Yosemite National Park trees came down due to the combination of heavy rain, high winds and fire-scarred ground.

* 6.62 inches of rain so far at Rocky Butte in San Luis Obispo County in Southern California and 4.06 inches in the Ventura County Mountains.

* Officials in Southern California are frantically trying to prepare for some possible mud slides of historic proportions because of extremely heavy rain falling over burned off woodlands and hills. This includes the Greater Los Angeles area.

*Tonight numerous roads were closed in Dallas County, Arkansas including highway 229 north of Fordyce. Numerous roads were closed elsewhere in the county and several cars were washed off the roads.

* Almost 4 inches of rain so far at Arkadelphia and Texarkana had 3.64. At several counties this afternoon, over half of the county roads were under water.

* This October will be remembered in many areas including record cold over the Miswest and North Central USA.

* Heavy snow was falling tonight in the Sierra Nevada Mountains along the California-Nevada border. The snow from this storm will be measured in feet.

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