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Tropical Storm Possibilities

| May 31, 2007 @ 2:14 pm | 8 Replies

Sitting in the airport at Chicago, I’ve got plenty of time to look over the whole tropical situation. JB Elliott posted the latest information from the National Hurricane Center, and I’m sure he’ll keep his eye out for any new information.

The computer models are taking the potential tropical system anywhere from South Florida to the Florida Panhandle. So there is quite a bit of spread in the solutions. The NGM seems to be the most aggressive on a northward track while the GFS and European seem to be in fairly good agreement of a South Florida track. The UKMET favored a more Central Florida track.

The four models used by the National Hurricane Center seem to be split between a South Florida track and a North Florida track.

With all the differences, we’ll just have to stay tuned to see what happens as/if the system develops.


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About the Author ()

Brian Peters is one of the television meteorologists at ABC3340 in Birmingham and a retired NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist. He handles the weekend Weather Xtreme Videos and forecast discussion and is the Webmaster for the popular WeatherBrains podcast.

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