Chelsea Weather Damage

| February 27, 2009 @ 7:55 pm | 9 Replies

Thanks to ABC 33/40 Skywatchers Nathan and Lori Jones for these images… they write:

I noticed on our Level Two (right before I lost my power, I live off of hwy 11 in Pelham ) that a TVS was showing on the radar just after the storm passed over me….then I started hearing reports of a tornado warning and ground reports from Chelsea!! My husband Nathan Jones and I (we’re storm spotters, ALERT members and Skywatchers) drove down to check out the damage yet try and stay out of the way. My pics aren’t terribly clear because we didn’t want to cause an accident. The damage started near the intersection of Hwy 11 and Old 280. Tree had fallen on power lines. We had to go left on Old 280 then turn onto CR 43 then back onto 280, the intersection signals were out. Only one person was directing traffic at the time. When we came to the first signal in Chelsea, one of the lights was completely twisted. Then from the Chevron to the Sherwin Williams (part of a strip mall) plus a bank and then the BP had a bit of damage. The inflow and outflow blew out the windows of 4 cars in the area of the strip mall as well as it pulled in the loading door at Sherwin William. It looks like the “tornado” lifted as it made it to the BP due to all the debris that was “dropped” into the parking lot. There was damage around the pumps and their sign was also destroyed. If this was a tornado, it was very weak but I’m sure scared a good bit of people!!! If these pics don’t come in, I’m also posting my Webshots site where I’ve downloaded these pics…”

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About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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