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Tragedy in Louisville

| January 31, 2009 @ 2:24 am | 5 Replies

Kentucky has been especially hard hit by the major ice storm. This tragic report from the Louisville Courier-Journal:

Three adults have died, apparently of carbon monoxide fumes from a generator running in garage of a home in the 2600 block of Oregon Avenue, according to Louisville Metro Police.

Cleveland Matthews said he went to his brother’s house at 2601 Oregon Ave. about noon because no one had heard from his brother, William Matthews, for a couple of days.

In the garage, he said, he found his brother and his sister-in-law, Beverly, dead near a generator.

Their disabled daughter, Mona, who was in her 40s, was found dead inside the home, which is connected to the garage, Matthews said.

While an official cause of death will await autopsies tomorrow, Lt. Barry Wilkerson said the preliminary indication is that fumes from the generator caused carbon monoxide poisoning.

The house is among many in the city that did not have electrical power in the wake of this week’s winter storm.

City officials have been warning residents that they should take care in the use of generators or other supplemental heaters.

Experts specifically warn that generators should be operated at least 10 feet away from a home and should not be used in a garage, the house or anywhere else where fumes might build up.

Here are some tips on other ways people may try to heat their homes:
Never use a gas range or oven to heat a home. This can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Never use grills or other devices that burn gasoline, propane or charcoal inside your home, or in your garage or near doors, windows or vents because they produce carbon monoxide.

If you suspect you have been exposed to carbon monoxide (you feel lightheaded, dizzy or nauseous), seek treatment.

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