The Draw of the Plains
Meteorologists, especially storm chasers, seem to be drawn to the wide open spaces of the American Plains. Is it just because of the tornadoes? Or is it other elements?
Stormchaser Steve Marshall shares his thoughts in an excellent essay from the WX-CHASE mail list.
My wife asked me why I long to live in the plains, what draws me to it like a moth to a flame. I had to think about that for a while to come up with an answer that I could articulate to a non-chaser.
I’m not a tornado nut. Couldn’t care less if I see a tornado, Ive seen enough but I am a structure freak. I love those towering supercells….but theres something else out there that draws me. I love the small towns, the roads that stretch for miles endlessly to the horizon. But thats still not it. There’s the smell of the wheat as it gets wet from a downpour…there’s the hometown diners with the farmers sitting around eating lunch….but thats not either.
I love the history thats sitting out there and rotting away. I never really got into western movies until I started spending the spring out there. Now I love a movie thats set in Kansas’ early days but thats not it either.
My favorite chase pics are those that show the huge sky and a road stretching off to the horizon.. and every one of those I see only makes me homesick for a place I’ve never really lived in.
Maybe it symbolizes a break from the mind numbing, waistline encreasing winters here in the great lakes.
Can you help me out here? I cant figure it out. Besides the storm, what pulls you to the plains? If there were no more storms, would you still go?
Steve’s email is: stormnet@ZOOMINTERNET.NET
Category: Pre-November 2010 Posts