Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

When Snow is Forecast

| December 12, 2008 @ 11:51 pm | 10 Replies

There are two weather terms that really catch the attention of Alabama residents and most of the Deep South. One starts with a “T” and the other starts with an “S.” Of course, we are speaking of tornadoes and snow.

Even the slightest mention of snow piques the attention of both adults and children. The legendary running to the store to buy milk and bread is a tale that has been around for centuries. I do not quite understand that.

For a number of years, each autumn I prepared a snow box. I do not do it any more, but when I did I would pack enough items to last us three or four days. Being snowbound longer than that is unheard of.

In that box, I would put non-perishable items—things that did not have to be cooked. Typically, there would be plenty of canned soup, canned vegetables, even a few canned meats and some of those delicious and delectable brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts and Moon Pies.

It is essential to include a non-electric can opener and I would throw in an extra supply of flashlight batteries. I would take the box downstairs and put it in a remote corner of the basement and pile stuff over it so I we would not be tempted to rob it when we ran short on groceries. I do not believe we ever had to use that emergency food supply because of any winter storm or snow.

I stopped doing that each year and the only excuse I can offer is laziness. Also, one time, we forgot all about it and did not reopen the box until another winter was almost on us. I had to throw out the delicious and delectable frosted brown sugar pop tarts and the moon pies because I did not think they would still be good. I cried.

People get very upset if a snow forecast does not materialize and I suppose that is understandable, especially among the youngsters. I feel for all of the emergency workers when we get snowbound, including all the utility crews. They do a tremendous job. Let’s hope we do not get snowbound this year. Life goes on.

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