Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Some Trees Try Harder

| October 31, 2008 @ 4:20 pm | 6 Replies

‘Tis the most beautiful time of the year as far as I am concerned. I know lots of other folks like summer and other seasons better and I fully respect that.

I have been watching this teenage tree at the west end of Deerfoot Parkway where Trussville meets Clay for several years. It always comes through for my enjoyment.

So this afternoon, it was the subject for only the second time that I have used my digital camera. After using film for a zillion years, the habit is heard to break.

Soon, after a few more cold fronts, this tree will take on a completely barren look which is beautiful in its own way. I think a stark barren tree silhouetted by a setting or rising sun is something to behold. Maybe I am simple minded when it comes to pretty scenes.

So be it…

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