Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

The Gulf in Turmoil

| September 11, 2008 @ 3:50 pm | 2 Replies

Check out this mid-afternoon report from the Mid Gulf Buoy:

Wind north at 57 mph
Gusts to 71 mph
Wave height 30 feet

Imagine. Those waves are more than five times the height of the average person!

This is no time to be funny but i wish we could mount a portable camera on some of the big fish in that area, such as sharks. (I assume there are no whales in the Gulf)

Sure would like to know how they are reacting, Bet most of the sharks have a severe headache.

A couple of other coastal reports while I am at this:
* Gulf Shores Airport…cloudy, wind east 20, gusts 36
* Pensacola Naval Air Station…cloudy, wind east 23, gusts 31

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