Stormy Weekend for Central Alabama

| August 9, 2014 @ 6:45 am

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The weather for Central Alabama this weekend can best be described as unsettled with numerous showers and thunderstorms possible today, Sunday, and Monday. Yesterday we saw some marginally severe storms which downed trees in a few spots, and while there remains potential for that again today, I think the risk is down somewhat. But there will be a good deal of lightning with the storms, too, so be sure to stay safe when lightning is nearby.

Birmingham hit 98 for the high yesterday, but additional clouds and numerous thunderstorms should keep highs for the next couple of days in the range of 88 to 92. Morning lows will still dip back to near 70, a few upper 60s in places.

Not much change to the pattern for us through the first of the week, so we go into Monday with showers likely again. Changes begin to take place then as the eastern US trough once again becomes a dominant player in the pattern. This should again force another cold front into the Southeast US and bring humidity levels down again. MOS guidance suggests dew points dropping into the lower 60s, so at least for now, I’m not expecting to see any record lows. The drier air at mid-week should feel nice with highs around 90 which is about dead on for seasonal values for early to mid August.

Moisture is expected to come back by the end of next week and into the weekend, so showers return to the forecast with highs about typical in the lower 90s.

Beach goers will encounter scattered showers today becoming more numerous Sunday and Monday. Look for 4 to 6 hours of sunshine along with some passing showers. Highs on the coast running in the upper 80s with Gulf water temperature running in the lower 80s.

Atlantic basin is quiet and expected to stay that way for a few days. Hurricane Julio is forecast to weaken as it passes north of the Hawaiian Islands during the next several days.

Voodoo country showing some subtle change. We saw a complete flip of the pattern last Wednesday, but a flip back in the next run. The current long range outlook keeps the trough pattern but shifts the trough axis more into the middle of the country. That would keep us somewhat unsettled with good moisture, but it would lessen the chances for these summer time fronts to reach us.

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Headed out for a talk with the Central Alabama Mensa group this morning, and then to ABC 3340 to fill in for Meaghan Thomas this weekend. Stay dry and Godspeed.


Category: Alabama's Weather

About the Author ()

Brian Peters is one of the television meteorologists at ABC3340 in Birmingham and a retired NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist. He handles the weekend Weather Xtreme Videos and forecast discussion and is the Webmaster for the popular WeatherBrains podcast.

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