WeatherBrains 415: Less Popular than Toe Fungus
WeatherBrains Episode 415 is now online (January 7, 2014). If you are crazy about weather, this is THE netcast audio program for you!
Tonight’s Guest WeatherBrain is a student at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, where he is a senior Meteorology student. Brandon Sullivan is an avid storm chaser and photographer. He owns his own company, Hazard Notifications.
Tonight’s Guest Panelist is no stranger to the WeatherBrains crowd having starred in Episode 286: Help, McDonald’s is Following Me. Dr. Kim Klockow is a recent Doctoral graduate from the University of Oklahoma who received an exciting Fellowship for Science Policy on Capitol Hill where she is working right now.
Other discussions in this weekly podcast include topics like:
Our email bag officer has been AWOL for several weeks and claims she’s sick tonight.
From The Weather Center:
WeatherBrains 101: Professor Peters takes a look at what liquid equivalent is when dealing with snow. Believe it or not, snow can be wet or dry. Listen to this episode for the whole story on water equivalent.
TWIWH: Bill Murray looks back at the week of January 7th.
Listener Surveys: Okay, we continue to drive this topic into the ground, but we really do like to hear from you. Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to fill out the Listener Survey. The survey takes just a minute or two to complete and provides us with an opportunity to learn where you are and hear your thoughts and comments on the show. Click here to take the survey.
Web Sites from Episode 415:
University of Oklahoma, Meteorology Department
Polar Vortex discussion by Dr. Shepherd
Picks of the Week:
Nate Johnson – Nate’s Notes on Weather Hacks for Chrome
Dr. Kim Klockow – Weather Forecasting Improvement Bill
Bill Murray – Hurricane Amanda, 1863
Brian Peters – Cliff Mass Discussion of Ultra-Long Daily Forecasts
James Spann – Cliff Mass Blog on cold and global warming
Brandon Sullivan – crowd source modeling
SkyDavers Blog – The Fog Bank
The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Nate Johnson, Bill Murray, and Brian Peters. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating netcast about weather.
Category: WeatherBrains