Strong Storms Approaching West Alabama
The weather for Alabama today has been hot with very little thunderstorm activity. Mississippi has seen much more activity than we have and that activity has pushed east. Some strong storms are crossing the state line and will be impacting portions of Pickens, Sumter and Greene Counties including the cities of Carrollton, Aliceville, Eutaw, Livingston and Cuba.
These storms are producing torrential rain and tremendous amount of lightning. The mid-layers of the atmosphere over Central Alabama are somewhat drier than what is over Mississippi. This dry air is producing a capping inversion over Alabama and has prevented storms from developing in Alabama. The storms heading into our western counties are not expected to strengthen further, but should continue to push to east-southeast before dissipating after the sun sets. We could see a few additional storms develop in West Alabama as these storms could send out some outflow boundaries.
Category: Alabama's Weather