Tonight’s the Night!

| March 11, 2013 @ 11:42 am

Stitched Panorama

Seventeen months ago, we showed the weather world a great time when we lured the National Weather Association Annual Meeting to Birmingham. It is generally regarded as one of the best and was certainly one of the biggest NWA events in the organization’s history.

The Central Alabama Chapter was awarded the Chapter of the Year Award last year in Madison, Wisconsin. The award recognized for the excellent efforts of Past President Kevin Laws and current President Tara Goggins, not only in hosting the event, but in creating exciting events and outreach opportunities for members.

Now, we want to take the best and make it bigger! We want to bring all elements of the weather enterprise including NWS meteorologists, television weather folks, emergency managers, private meteorologists as well as weather enthusiasts together to build relationships and learn together about all aspects of Central Alabama weather.

Tonight, the Chapter will host its first meeting of three for 2013. Kevin Laws, the Science and Operations Officer at the NWS Birmingham, will present a tremendous one hour course in the new products from the upgraded Dual Pol radars. There will be a short quiz at the end, and all attendees will receive a Certificate of Completion. The program starts at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room at Vulcan Park atop Red Mountain.

James Spann, Brian Peters and the world’s greatest weatherman J.B. Elliott are slated to attend.

You will have the opportunity to talk to other NWS forecasters, EMs, television mets and other weather crazed individuals like yourself. Come early! Doors open at 6 p.m. We will have you out by 8:30!

THERE WON’T BE ANY FOOD SERVED! So eat before you come.

All you have to do to attend is join the chapter and pay your $25 annual dues. This will entitle you to attend all three meetings this year plus give you access to the two socials and other workshops and outreach opportunities during the year.

Join here:

You can pay your dues on the site as well.

Help us reach our scholarship goal tonight. We want to raise $500 for first First Annual College Scholarship to be presented this summer. Please bring money tonight as we will be selling $10 raffle tickets at the door for a weekend stay at The Tutwiler Hotel!

Also, plan to join a committee so you can get involved. Several exciting opportunities will be explained tonight.

Follow the Chapter on Twitter @centralalnwa and like us on Facebook.

Category: Alabama's Weather, Severe Weather

About the Author ()

Bill Murray is the President of The Weather Factory. He is the site's official weather historian and a weekend forecaster. He also anchors the site's severe weather coverage. Bill Murray is the proud holder of National Weather Association Digital Seal #0001 @wxhistorian

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