The Alabama News Center — Alabama Extension celebrates the power of greens for St. Patrick’s Day and beyond
By: Corynne Williams and Carol Connell
March is National Nutrition Month, a time to celebrate the foods that nourish our bodies and bring us together. This year’s theme, “Food Connects Us,” highlights the role that food plays in our lives — connecting us to our cultures, families and communities. One of the most vibrant and versatile food groups that perfectly aligns with this theme is green foods.
With St. Patrick’s Day in March, it’s a perfect opportunity to focus on the nutritional benefits of greens — foods that not only symbolize luck but also provide powerful health benefits.
Green vegetables, from spinach and kale to broccoli and peas, are nutritional powerhouses, packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Incorporating a variety of vegetables into your diet is a key component of a healthy eating pattern and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasizes the importance of consuming two to three cups of vegetables daily, with greens being a vital part of that recommendation.
The Alabama Weather Blog is pleased to present an excerpt from a featured article in partnership with the Alabama News Center. For the full post including images, videos, and related links, please visit the article HERE.
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