EF0 Tornado Confirmed Near Vina From January 5th Thunderstorms

| January 14, 2025 @ 10:01 am

This morning, the National Weather Service in Huntsville finalized a damage survey near the town of Vina to confirm that an EF-0 tornado touched down on January 5th.

Here are the full details from their storm survey:

Rating:                 EF0
Estimated Peak Wind:    84 mph
Path Length /statute/:  2.44 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   158 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             01/05/2025
Start Time:             07:40 PM CST
Start Location:         5 WSW Vina / Franklin County / AL
Start Lat/Lon:          34.3514 / -88.1414

End Date:               01/05/2025
End Time:               07:44 PM CST
End Location:           3 W Vina / Franklin County / AL
End Lat/Lon:            34.3739 / -88.1084

Survey Summary:
An EF0 tornado touched down southwest of Vina Alabama on Highway
23 shattering a window and causing minor damage to the roof of a
new mobile home. The tornado then tracked northeastward along
Hurricane Creek causing tree damage and uprooted trees off of
Highway 23. There was damage to a pole barn near the intersection
of Highway 23 and Singleton Road where there was major damage to
the roof and supporting beams of the farm structure. Continuing to
the northeast, the track crossed Highway 3 and Jim King Road
causing additional tree damage on the roadways. Winds were
estimated between 75-85 miles per hour. Storm survey was 
performed by Franklin County EMA in conjunction with radar 

Category: Alabama's Weather, ALL POSTS, Social Media

About the Author ()

Jack is a junior at Mississippi State University studying meteorology. He has several years of forecasting experience through a local group of forecasters in Maryland where he resides. Jack plans to become a broadcast meteorologist after graduation.

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