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5 places to celebrate Oktoberfest in Alabama

| September 18, 2024 @ 4:00 pm

By: Eric Velasco

Strike up the oompah band and break out the lederhosen. It’s time to tap into the world’s best beer party, Oktoberfest.

Originating in Munich, the two-week celebration has become one of Germany’s greatest exports, celebrated worldwide in festivals filled with beer and sausages.

The funny thing is much of Oktoberfest in Germany is observed before October. Munich’s grand party officially starts in late September and continues through three weekends (and the weekdays between), ending the first weekend in October. This year it’s Sept. 21 through Oct. 6.

The Alabama Weather Blog is pleased to present an excerpt from a featured article in partnership with the Alabama News Center. For the full post including images, videos, and related links, please visit the article HERE.

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