Young cooking star Bryson McGlynn leads ALBBAA to win in Alabama Wild Game Cook-off
By: Josh Bean
Bryson McGlynn, the 12-year-old from Opelika who won season nine of MasterChef Junior, and Troy, Alabama, Chef Ricky Albright of Iron Fire Cooking, joined with the Alabama Black Belt Adventures Association (ALBBAA) as a cook team to capture First Place State Finals at the recent State Championship Wild Game Cook-off sponsored by the Alabama Wildlife Federation.
The team, known as the Loosen Your Black Belt Bunch, won by preparing a venison Wellington dish designed by McGlynn. Albright, ALBBAA Director Pam Swanner and several members of the organization’s Advisory Council assisted McGlynn during the competition Aug. 10 at AWF headquarters in Millbrook.
“To be able to team up with the Alabama Black Belt Adventures team was so much fun,” McGlynn said. “It was an honor to use one of my recipes, but it truly was a group effort, and our team worked so well together. Thank you for putting some trust in this recipe. We, as a team, made it a grand slam.”
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