Alabama News Center — Alabamians offer 7 plans for next-level charcuterie boards

| June 3, 2024 @ 8:00 am

By: Alabama Living

What is charcuterie? According to, “Charcuterie is a French term that refers to prepared meats, such as sausage, ham, bacon and pâté. So-called charcuterie boards have become popular as appetizers or party snacks in the United States in recent years. Strictly speaking, these should contain only French meat products, but the term has broadened to include, in addition to assorted meats, a variety of cheeses, nuts, fruits, vegetables, breads, crackers and even sauces.”

Charcuterie derives from the French phrase chair cuit, meaning “cooked meat.” It was originally confined to pork, for medieval guild regulations required charcuteries to sell only pork and pork fat. The term referred originally not to the meat itself but to the shops where it was sold, the venue of the charcutier, who prepared, cooked and preserved cuts of pork and, on occasion, other foods, as during Lent, when the observant ate cured fish rather than meat.

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