Alabama Weather Update at Noon
Skies are mostly cloudy across Alabama at this hour. The exception is over extreme South Alabama and Northwest Florida where sunshine with just a few cumulus clouds prevail after skies cleared quickly there over the past few hours.
There are occasional peeks at the sun over the rest of Alabama, so not a bad day at all. The nearest rain to our area is a few showers near Jacksonville, Florida and Brunswick, Georgia.
Temperatures are in the 70s in the sunny areas down south with 60s across the rest of the state. Highs today should be in the 70s areawide except over Northeast Alabama where Scottsboro may struggle to get above 69F.
Lows tonight will be in the 50s areawide.
Skies will clear just a little bit this afternoon, but remain partly sunny at best it appears. Skies tonight will be mostly cloudy.
Clouds will be the rule much of the week ahead. The sunniest days will be Thursday and Sunday.
Our next weather maker will bring showers with some thunder tomorrow and tomorrow night, with more widespread rain and thunderstorms Tuesday. No severe weather expected in Alabama.
Friday looks very wet with heavy rain likely. The weekend looks cooler the rain departing Saturday. Sunday highs may straggle to get out of the 50s over the northern half of the state.
Category: Alabama's Weather, ALL POSTS, Severe Weather