Alabama NewsCenter – Locals restaurant in Fairhope, Alabama, caters to visitors and, yes, lots of locals

| July 28, 2023 @ 4:00 pm

Wherever you visit, it’s almost always a great idea to eat where the locals eat. In the artsy, tourist-friendly town of Fairhope on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay, locals eat at Locals. So, you should, too.

Locals Fairhope is owned by the husband-and-wife team of Wade and Ashley Peryer. After managing other people’s restaurants for years, they wanted a place of their own. Mindful of the neighboring restaurants already in business, they decided, in 2011, to open something that Fairhope didn’t have: a gourmet burger place.

The name of their farm-to-table restaurant and bar with gourmet burgers and lots more reflects the couple’s commitment to their community – especially their food community.

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