Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Summer Storms Increase In Coverage Tomorrow/Sunday

| July 7, 2023 @ 5:32 am

HUMID SUMMER DAYS: Alabama’s weather won’t change much today… expect a mix of sun and clouds with developing showers and thunderstorms in scattered spots, mainly this afternoon and early tonight (2-9 p.m.). Humidity levels will stay high, and temperatures will peak in the 88-92 degree range. Just what you expect in July.

Showers and thunderstorms are expected to increase in coverage tomorrow and Sunday as better dynamic support comes into play. Most of the storms will still come during the afternoon and evening hours, but some late night or morning rain can’t be ruled out. SPC has placed much of the state in a “slight risk” (level 2/5) of severe thunderstorms Sunday for the potential for hail and strong straight line winds.

Understand the weekend won’t be a total wash-out, but occasional showers and storms are likely, and watch radar trends if you have an outdoors event planned. The high tomorrow will be close to 90, followed by mid to upper 80s Sunday thanks to clouds and rain.

NEXT WEEK: Scattered to numerous showers and storms remain likely Monday, but global models suggest showers become fewer in number Tuesday and possibly Wednesday. Then fairly typical summer weather is the story Thursday and Friday with “scattered, mostly afternoon evening showers and thunderstorms” around. Highs will be in the 80s Monday, followed by mostly low 90s for the rest of the week… See the video briefing for maps, graphics, and more details.

TROPICS: All remains very calm across the Atlantic basin and tropical storm formation is not expected through the next seven days.

ON THIS DATE IN 1905: The mercury soared to 127 degrees at Parker, Arizona to tie the state record established at Fort Mohave on the 15th of June in 1896. The current record for Arizona is 128 degrees set in Lake Havasu City on 6-29-1994.

ON THIS DATE IN 2004: A tornado occurred in the Rockwell Pass area of Sequoia National Park, California. Since the elevation of the tornado’s ground circulation was approximately 3705 m (12,156 ft) MSL, this is the highest-elevation tornado documented in the United States.

ON THIS DATE IN 2021: Tropical Storm Elsa made landfall near Fish Creek, Florida with winds of 65 mph. There were 13 deaths associated with Elsa: nine in the Florida Straits, two in the Dominican Republic, one in Martinique, and one in the United States.

Look for the next video briefing here by 3:00 this afternoon… enjoy the day!

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Category: Alabama's Weather, ALL POSTS, Weather Xtreme Videos

About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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