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Alabama NewsCenter — Dr. Ann touts the benefits of tahini

| March 2, 2023 @ 4:00 pm

By: Dr. Ann Kulze

Tahini sauce has many health benefits. It’s a condiment I could not live without!

Today I want to get you excited about tahini, sometimes referred to as tahini paste. This nutritional gem is incredibly delicious and should be a culinary staple in your kitchen. Tahini is simply ground sesame seeds, which are the source of its robust and unique health value. Often referred to as the “queen of seeds” and used medicinally for thousands of years, sesame seeds are exceptionally rich in a host of key minerals and provide a nice dose of:

Vitamin E
Heart-healthy fats

Their biggest claim to fame comes from two very special and unique phytochemicals, sesamin and sesamolin. Both are potent antioxidants from the lignan family that have been shown to:

Lower cholesterol
Prevent high blood pressure
Boost the activity of vitamin E

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