Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Mesoscale Discussion — Severe Hail & Damaging Wind Threat Continues Across Central Alabama

| April 6, 2022 @ 5:09 pm

SUMMARY… The threat for severe hail and damaging wind gusts
continues across central AL as a cold front pushes in from the east.

DISCUSSION… Latest convective trends over central AL continue to
show numerous attempts at robust convective initiation, but more
isolated/discrete storms have struggled to mature amid weak forcing
for ascent away from the synoptic cold front and outflow boundaries
from the complex to the east. However, thunderstorm intensity along
the front has undergone slight intensification over the past hour
based on IR cloud top temperature trends. This coincides with peak
daytime heating that is supporting upwards of 2500 J/kg SBCAPE.
Thunderstorm intensity may reach a peak in the coming hours as
storms continue to develop along the front and meandering outflow
boundaries. 0-6 km hodographs from the KBMX VWP show deep-layer
shear vectors off the cold front, which will support the potential
for organized convection, including a few supercells with an
attendant hail/wind threat.

Category: Alabama's Weather, ALL POSTS, Severe Weather

About the Author ()

Scott Martin is an operational meteorologist, professional graphic artist, musician, husband, and father. Not only is Scott a member of the National Weather Association, but he is also the Central Alabama Chapter of the NWA president. Scott is also the co-founder of Racecast Weather, which provides forecasts for many racing series across the USA. He also supplies forecasts for the BassMaster Elite Series events including the BassMaster Classic.

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