Alabama NewsCenter — ‘Made in Alabama’ Showcase features top homegrown companies

| October 13, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

By Jerry Underwood
Made in Alabama

Gov. Kay Ivey, in partnership with the Alabama Department of Commerce, honored a dozen homegrown businesses recently at the inaugural “Made in Alabama” Showcase.

To celebrate October as “Manufacturing Month,” Ivey selected 12 businesses for their work in producing exceptional Alabama-made products and invited them to exhibit their products at the state Capitol.

“It is an honor to welcome these manufacturers to the Alabama Capitol to showcase their fine, Alabama-made products,” Ivey said. “Alabama is home to some wonderful companies, and it’s a pleasure to give them the acknowledgement they deserve.”

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Alabama News Center tels the stories of the people and businesses powering the states of Alabama, striving to make Alabama a wonderful place to live and work.

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