Alabama Newscenter — Alabama Power Foundation Supports Tornado Relief
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By Alabama NewsCenter Staff
A $20,000 donation by the Alabama Power Foundation to the American Red Cross is helping provide immediate relief and long-term recovery to victims of the tornadoes that tore through central Alabama late last month.
“The money is already being put to use,” said Annette Rowland, communications director for the Red Cross, Alabama and Mississippi region. She said 127 families in Bibb, Calhoun, Jefferson and Shelby counties were forced into temporary shelter because of the tornadoes, which killed five people and destroyed or severely damaged homes and businesses across the region. She said the last family was able to check out of a hotel on Saturday, April 10. All the displaced families who could not return to their homes are now in rental properties or staying with family and friends.
Rowland said even now, after the families are out of temporary emergency housing, the Red Cross continues to provide them a variety of services. All displaced families have access to a caseworker, who can assist with children’s education placement or support, mental health and spiritual counseling, as well as financial assistance for numerous needs – from medical supplies to food, to clothes – as they work toward returning to some semblance of normal.
Click HERE to see the full article on the Alabama NewsCenter website.
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