Alabama Newscenter — Alabama Family Aces 60 Years as Owners of Chatom’s Andrews Hardware
The complete article can be found at
By Katie Brown
Alabama Retailer
Since 1938, Andrews Hardware & Seed Store Inc. has served the people of Chatom, the county seat of Washington County. It’s where everyone gets their plumbing supplies, Yeti coolers and drinkware, boots and even bridal gifts. Originally owned by the Andrews family, the town’s hardware/everything store remains in the hands of locals.
“My grandfather (Lilburn Odom) came to Chatom in 1940 to run the store and later on my family bought it out from the Andrews sometime in the ‘60s,” Jon Odom said of the family owned and operated venture. “My dad, his older brother and younger sister oversaw it along with my grandfather.”
While the Odoms own the Chatom store, the Andrews family owns and operates other hardware stores under the Andrews name in deep southwest Alabama.
Click HERE to see the full article on the Alabama NewsCenter website.
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