Alabama Newscenter — Alabama Truckers Join in Fight Against Human Trafficking

| January 30, 2021 @ 2:00 pm

The complete article can be found at

By Chuck Chandler

More than 110,000 truckers across Alabama are on the lookout during National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, hoping to drive out “one of the most egregious human rights violations in the USA and around the world.”

Alabama Trucking Association President and CEO Mark Colson said his organization and Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) helped generate bipartisan support in 2019 in the Alabama Legislature that led to a law which went into effect one year ago. All new commercial driver’s license holders are now required to be trained in how to spot and report human trafficking.

“We believe this was a tremendous sign of leadership that the trucking industry showed to require this training,” Colson said. “Essentially, truckers believe that this issue is so important that it belongs in our job description. Truckers are the eyes and ears on the roads, and it was simply the right thing to do.”

Click HERE to see the full article on the Alabama NewsCenter website.

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