Alabama Newscenter — Recipe: Apple Pecan Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette

| January 30, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

The complete article can be found at

By Stacey Little
Southern Bite

We love salads at our house. They’re a relatively quick and easy way to put a delicious side on the table and can make a seriously delicious main course some nights, too. While Jack could eat lettuce and ranch every night, we like to mix things up a bit.

Years back we started adding apples, blue cheese and a tangy dressing to our salads and really loved the sweet and sour combo, so we often still find that kind of salad on the table these days.

Now in case y’all haven’t bought apples in the grocery store lately, there are quite a few options these days. I’ll admit that my most recent favorite was the Honeycrisp. It’s so bright, tangy and crisp. But, man, they can be expensive. They’re also delicate and don’t last long. And then I found the EverCrisp. Cue the angelic sounds.

Click HERE to see the full article on the Alabama NewsCenter website.

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