Alabama NewsCenter — Wetumpka Shines, Despite the Dark Clouds of 2019, 2020

| January 23, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

The complete article can be found at

By Jennifer Kornegay

Last year is one many would like to forget. Yet, despite its dark clouds, there were bright spots. Wetumpka saw some sunshine in 2020, and those rays of light are still shining, even as the city reflects on a 2019 tragedy – the literal dark clouds in the form of a tornado that caused widespread property damage on Jan. 19, 2019.

The two-year anniversary of the storm brings back the shock and heartbreak felt; yet, for many, unity is the predominant sentiment remembered. And some believe the storm had a galvanizing effect that led to some good news the city received in mid-2020: its selection to be featured on the “Home Town Takeover” television show, a spinoff of the popular “Home Town” series with Erin and Ben Napier on HGTV.

“The tornado presented unbelievable challenges but also revealed incredible blessings, and those blessings outweighed the challenges all along,” says pastor Jonathan Yarboro, whose First Presbyterian Church was wiped out by the tornado. One of the blessings put on full display was residents’ commitment to each other.

Click HERE to see the full article on the Alabama NewsCenter website.

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