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Alabama NewsCenter — Auburn University Researchers Examine Impact of Feral Swine in Alabama to Decrease Devastation

| January 18, 2021 @ 10:00 am

The complete article can be found at AlabamaNewsCenter.com.

By Teri Greene
Auburn University

A new project co-led by Auburn University researchers addresses previously unexplored questions about the increasing number and distribution in Alabama of feral swine – animals that cause more than $50 million a year in damage to agriculture in the state. The research focuses on measuring the reduction in damage caused by the animals during the implementation of the Alabama Feral Swine Control Pilot Program (FSCP).

Through a $450,000 grant from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, professors Mark Smith, Graeme Lockaby and Stephen Ditchkoff of the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences are heading the monitoring and evaluation component of the FSCP, a cooperative effort led by the Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee.

Project partners in this coordinated effort include the USDA Wildlife Services, Alabama Association of Conservation Districts, Alabama Agriculture and Conservation Development Commission, Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama Wildlife Federation, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Auburn University and the University of West Alabama.

Click HERE to see the full article on the Alabama NewsCenter website.

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