Zeta’s Historic Impact Will Be Remembered in Alabama

| November 5, 2020 @ 2:00 pm

Click HERE to see the full article on the Alabama NewsCenter website.

By Alabama NewsCenter Staff

In the few days since Hurricane Zeta smashed through the state, Alabama Power crews and support teams have been working day and night to get the lights back on as quickly and as safely as possible.

By Wednesday, with more than 6,000 personnel from two dozen states and Canada lending their support, the company had restored power to 99% of customers statewide.

“Our crews faced multiple challenges during this difficult restoration, but we know it also wasn’t easy for many of our customers,” said Scott Moore, Alabama Power senior vice president of Power Delivery. “We appreciate our customers’ patience throughout this multiday restoration effort.”

The rest of the article is located at AlabamaNewsCenter.com.

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Alabama News Center tels the stories of the people and businesses powering the states of Alabama, striving to make Alabama a wonderful place to live and work.

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