Recipe: Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Meringue Pie
By Stacey Little
Southern Bite
For years, I’ve gotten requests from readers for a peanut butter pie recipe. I would send them my Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Pie, but several folks would reply and say things like, “No, the one I remember had a meringue topping.” or “This one looks good, but the one I was thinking about had more of a custard filling.” I just couldn’t find one that seemed to fit these all these requests.
Fast forward a bit and I find myself at home a lot for a few months, which gives me plenty of time to do one of my favorite things – flip through the hundreds of cookbooks I have collected and had shared with me over the years. One of my favorite kind of cookbooks continues to be the old-school community cookbooks. You know the ones. They’re usually done by the local church, the junior league or as a school fundraiser. They’re spiral- or comb-bound books filled with family favorites. These are always filled with great recipes because you know people are only going to submit the best recipes they have.
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