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Minor Accumulations Possible Across Portions Of North Alabama Today & Tonight

| December 10, 2019 @ 2:54 pm

Light Snowfall Across Northern Alabama and Southern Middle Tennessee Ends This Evening, with Minor Accumulations Lingering Through Sunrise Wednesday.

From NWS Huntsville

Snowfall accumulations have been extremely light across much of the Tennessee Valley thanks to warm ground temperatures already in place. Accumulations of a dusting to one half of an inch are possible, with snowfall ending from west to east by midnight (or shortly thereafter).

Widespread travel problems are not expected, though a slick spot cannot be ruled out on an elevated roadway Wednesday morning. Use caution when traveling on bridges and overpasses.

Temperatures will rise above freezing between 8 and 10 AM CST Wednesday morning, with dry conditions and sunny skies expected for the rest of the day on Wednesday.

Category: Alabama's Weather, ALL POSTS, Winter Weather

About the Author ()

Scott Martin is an operational meteorologist, professional graphic artist, musician, husband, and father. Not only is Scott a member of the National Weather Association, but he is also the Central Alabama Chapter of the NWA president. Scott is also the co-founder of Racecast Weather, which provides forecasts for many racing series across the USA. He also supplies forecasts for the BassMaster Elite Series events including the BassMaster Classic.

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