Ringling Bros.

Book Examines How Alabama’s Food Traditions Shape Our Culture

| November 13, 2019 @ 5:02 am

By Jennifer Kornegay
Alabama Living

Alabama is known for its geographic variety and biodiversity, and these differing landscapes and the life they hold (along with other factors) have created a vast cultural diversity, too.

In the new book “The Story of Alabama in Fourteen Foods,” author Emily Blejwas uses 14 foods, dishes and beverages as a lens for figuring the meaning behind this mixture and why it’s important. The book explores and celebrates the assortment of places and personalities that prove – through their distinct food traditions and foodways – that our state is not one single flavor but a delicious multilayered stew. We are not all fried chicken and sweet tea.

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Alabama News Center tels the stories of the people and businesses powering the states of Alabama, striving to make Alabama a wonderful place to live and work.

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