Alabama Rescue Transport Group Helps Animals Find Forever Homes

| January 7, 2019 @ 5:00 am

By John N. Felsher, Alabama Living

Almost every day, someone abandons a pet, leaving it to fend for itself. These animals wander around looking for whatever food they can scrounge, which frequently causes trouble. Many die of starvation or sickness.

Animal shelter workers pick up some animals, but many shelters put unwanted animals to death. Sid Lambert and his wife, Veronica, founded Alabama Rescue Relay/South to help save some of these animals.

“Our mission is to transport as many dogs, cats and any other animal that needs to be transported as we can so they can be rescued,” Sid Lambert said. “When I was the director of the animal shelter in Conecuh County, I started working with other shelters around the area. We had such great success getting our animals out that they were asking me to help them place their animals. Alabama has a very high animal euthanasia rate. Many other states have stricter spay and neuter laws. We’d like to transport these animals to foster care places so they can be adopted by families.”

To read the full article, please visit the Alabama NewsCenter website.


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