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Alabama Power Auburn Employees Stand In For Santa At BigHouse

| December 22, 2018 @ 5:00 am

By Carla Davis

Santa’s helpers came to the Auburn/Opelika area early.

On Dec. 15, local foster and adoptive families turned out for a huge shopping spree at Santa’s Workshop, thanks to BigHouse, Alabama Power Auburn employees and community volunteers. The annual event is sponsored by BigHouse, an Opelika nonprofit that brings hope and provides support to foster children and their families.

Parents got the chance to shop for the perfect gifts for their children, free of charge, while in another room of the workshop, the kids selected gifts for their moms, dads, and siblings. Volunteers were on hand to help kids tag and wrap their gifts.

“Our Santa’s Workshop is really fun, and it’s one of our favorite events of the whole year,” said Micah Melnick, founder and executive director of BigHouse. “It’s really special for the kids because they finally have the joy of being the giver. They are so excited that they can’t wait for their parents to open their gifts.”

The Alabama Power Service Organization Auburn subchapter helped with Santa’s Workshop for the third consecutive year. The chapter, led by Jessica Mitchell, Alabama Power customer service representative in the Auburn Office and a devoted BigHouse volunteer, collected toys, clothing and money for the workshop.

To read the full article, please visit the Alabama NewsCenter website.


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