Grant To Fund University Of Alabama Study Of Dementia Caregiver Support App

| December 13, 2018 @ 5:00 am

By David Miller, University of Alabama

The national Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has funded a joint project between the University of Alabama and Florida International University to test the efficacy of a web and mobile application designed for dementia caregivers.

Nicole Ruggiano, UA associate professor of social work, helped create CareHeroes, a multi-function app designed to improve communication between physicians providing dementia care and caregivers while working at FIU. The app aims to decrease caregiver burden and depression symptoms, which are often experienced because of the stress of caregiving.

The app’s developers completed a small feasibility study in Miami three years ago, and Ruggiano has tested a beta version of CareHeroes in rural areas of Alabama. Researchers found that caregivers who used the app’s features successfully improved communication with physicians and were eager to fully integrate the app and its features into their care routines.

To read the full article, please visit the Alabama NewsCenter website.

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