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Alabama Power Crews Supporting Hurricane Recovery In Florida, Georgia

| October 15, 2018 @ 5:00 am

By Michael Sznajderman

Alabama Power crews are hard at work today, helping restore hope and service to people in Florida and Georgia devastated by Hurricane Michael.

More than 1,500 Alabama Power company and contract crews are working in the two neighboring states, assisting Gulf Power and Georgia Power. They include distribution and transmission lineman support, vegetation management crews and drone teams.

Michael slammed into the Florida Panhandle on Wednesday just shy of a Category 5 hurricane with sustained wind speed of 155 mph. Measured by barometric pressure, Michael was more powerful at landfall than Katrina or Andrew.

The Hurricane caused catastrophic destruction along the Gulf coast but also caused serious damage in southeast Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia. As of Monday morning, the death toll from the storm had reached 18 – eight in Florida, three in North Carolina, one in Georgia and six in Virginia, with dozens of people still unaccounted for.

Unofficial estimates put damage from Michael at between $5 billion and $8 billion, with recovery in some locations expected to take months if not years. Some two million customers in multiple states lost power during the monster storm.

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