On This Day In Alabama History: Librarian William Hoole Was Born

| May 16, 2017 @ 5:01 am

By Graydon Rust
Alabama 200

May 16, 1903

Librarian William Stanley Hoole was born in Darlington, South Carolina. After teaching English at several universities, including Jacksonville State and Birmingham-Southern, Hoole became the director of libraries at the University of Alabama in 1944. During his 27 years as director, he oversaw widespread improvements in the library system, including a reorganization of the library’s control and functions, an overhaul in staff benefits and pay, and an increase in book and nonbook collections. Hoole also published more than 50 books and helped create the UA Graduate School of Library Service and the Alabama Historical Association. In 1977, UA renamed the library’s special collections in his honor.

Read more at Encyclopedia of Alabama.For more on Alabama’s Bicentennial, visit Alabama 200.

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