Young Entrepreneurs Mix Innovation, Community Impact To Shape The Future

| May 13, 2017 @ 5:00 am

By Marc Rice

When it comes to creativity and smarts, as well as understanding that business can be an effective force to improve lives, the finalists in Junior Achievement of Alabama’s Business Plan Challenge clearly “get it.”

The six finalists from this year’s annual entrepreneurial competition, including first-place winner Jordan Henderson, were honored Thursday at JA’s “Spirit of Free Enterprise” luncheon in Birmingham. The Hoover High School student will receive a $4,000 scholarship for winning the Challenge, and her fellow finalists will share in an additional $6,000 in scholarship money.

Her winning entry was the “Brace Buddy,” a dual-rod, carbon fiber kickstand that attaches to post-op medical braces, allowing patients to elevate their legs on any surface to help reduce swelling and increase comfort.The contestants had to develop detailed business plans for producing, distributing and marketing their products. They also had to address social and ethical responsibilities in their business plans and compete in a live pitch session, which was held last month before a panel of area business leaders.

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