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Alabama Communities Of Excellence Marks 15 Years Of Boosting Towns Across The State

| May 4, 2017 @ 4:34 am

By Michael Tomberlin

Small towns throughout Alabama may not have all of the tools for growth and development that the big cities have, but they do have Alabama Communities of Excellence.

ACE has been helping towns of between 2,000 and 18,000 people for 15 years. Instead of looking at what the towns don’t have, the ACE program looks at what they do have and helps them maximize those attributes.

It might be a beautiful downtown (Abbeville), a natural feature (Demopolis) or even a place in literary history (Monroeville).“ACE uses an asset-based approach that recognizes and values the individuality of each community, and helps towns focus on their distinctive assets and resources,” said Sidney Hoover, executive director of ACE.

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