These Alabama Sweets Veer From The Script

| April 16, 2017 @ 4:00 am

By Chuck Chandler

Big companies turned up their noses at Brian Adkins’ sweet idea when he first made his pitch. Instead of simply selling chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks for Easter baskets, why not give kids something to think about with their candy?

The now-retired National Guard major wasn’t about to lose this battle, so he fought on. Two decades ago, he got a business license and used a 900-square-foot section of his home as the warehouse for Scripture Candy to launch its mission of “Reaching the World One Piece at a Time!”

Today, Adkins’ little company sells religious-themed candy not only in Christian stores nationwide, but by the millions in major retailers like Rite Aid, Walgreens, Big Lots, Kmart, Winn-Dixie and Dollar General.In 2015, Scripture Candy moved into a 28,000-square-foot facility on 4 acres in the Adamsville Industrial Park, with 10 employees and many seasonal workers gearing up for each of the company’s big sales seasons: Valentine’s Day, Easter and Christmas. Though only a tiny player in the world of candy manufacturing, Adkins’ business is at the top of the Christian realm.

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