Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

UCP Of Greater Birmingham Rebrands To United Ability

| February 12, 2017 @ 4:00 pm

By Karim Shamsi-Basha

They rolled into the room in their wheelchairs calm and quiet, but when the music started, they turned into a rousing and harmonious choir.

They sang “We are Family” like they have done it since childhood. Clients at the former United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Birmingham sang their hearts out. They told the world they now stand “United” against their disabilities, and they have the “Ability” to do anything, no matter how hard or challenging.

United Ability is the new name of United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Birmingham from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.

Please visit Alabama News Center for the Full Article


Category: Partner News Stories

About the Author ()

Bill Murray is the President of The Weather Factory. He is the site's official weather historian and a weekend forecaster. He also anchors the site's severe weather coverage. Bill Murray is the proud holder of National Weather Association Digital Seal #0001 @wxhistorian

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