It’s Here! A New Look and More Content for AlabamaWX
The site looks a little different this morning! It’s no longer a test, it’s the real thing. James has prepared a 6 minute orientation video to the new look blog. Please take time to watch it and get familiar with the look.
You’ve come to count on the AlabamaWX Weather Blog for the very latest and most detailed weather information for Central Alabama. We love delivering this content to you.
All recent and relevant posts will be prominently displayed in a large slider with imagery that you can click on to go to the full story. All stories will be displayed by category underneath the slider.
Alabama’s Weather will always be first with the WeatherXtreme posts and updates. Severe or winter weather will always be second when there is a threat. You will see a thumbnail image and an excerpt from the story. If you want to read it, just click it to see what you’ve always seen.
People have told us that they like the ease of use of the blog, but hate having to scroll endlessly to see other important content. They don’t like missing important stories that might be buried by more recent posts.
The new blog will be the best of both worlds, displaying nearly 25 stories in a space that is about one tenth the length of the current chronological first page. No more missing an interesting story from a day ago.
Current warnings will be much more user friendly, only staying on the blog while they are in effect. And each warning will be contained in a single post, with the latest update at the top and all the other information from that warning listed below. A few minutes after they expire, they will be archived, so you will only see current warnings.
The most recent posts will be displayed by category underneath the slider by importance. The first category will always be Alabama’s Weather. You can find Weather Xtreme posts and updates on the Alabama weather situation. If severe or winter weather is expected within the next seven days, the Severe Weather category will be second, followed by the Current Warnings.
These critical categories will be followed by informational and entertaining categories like Meteorology 101/Weather History, Headlines, Tropical, WeatherBrains, and The Mixed Bag.
We will be creating a lot more content that will keep these categories fresh and relevant. We want to be your go to place for not only Alabama weather information, but for also things to do. Good news stories from our Alabama NewsCenter Partner will be posted regularly instead of one a week, and you will always find them in their own category.
For the mobile site, everything will remain the same. It has featured a slider for nearly three years, and it has been very popular. We will manage the content on the slider so that it is more relevant.
Whenever you make a change, there will always be people who like the old way better. But as James says on his video, give it a chance and I think you will like what we have done to the blog.
When you wake up Monday morning, the new look will be there! We’re excited!
Category: Headlines